Friday, 3 August 2012

Physics-IBDP-Topic-1-MCQs-HL+SL for Gr-11+12

Rounded Rectangle: Class Test – No-_1__-  Aug, 2012       Date:- 01-8-2012                       Gr-11+12-IBDP-SL/ HL
Subject – Physics                     Topic-1-Measurements
Time – 40 minutes                      Marks - 20

                                                ANSWER  ANY  TWENTY
1.    When a voltage V of 12.2 V is applied to a DC motor, the current I in the motor is 0.20 A. Which one of the following is the output power VI of the motor given to the correct appropriate number of significant digits?
A.      2 W
B.      2.4 W
C.      2.40 W
D.      2.44 W

2.       Which one of the following units is a unit of energy?
A.      eV
B.      Ws–1
C.      Wm–1
D.      Nms–1
3.       Natalie measures the mass and speed of a glider. The percentage uncertainty in her measurement of the mass is 3% and in the measurement of the speed is 10%. Her calculated value of the kinetic energy of the glider will have an uncertainty of
A.      30%.
B.      23%.
C.      13%.
D.      10%.
4.       The ratio  is approximately equal to
A.      10–15.
B.      10–8.
C.      10–5.
D.      10–2.

5.       Which one of the following lists a fundamental unit and a derived unit?

6.       A student measures the current in a resistor as 677 mA for a potential difference of 3.6 V. A calculator shows the resistance of the resistor to be 5.3175775 Ω. Which one of the following gives the resistance to an appropriate number of significant figures?
A.      5.3 Ω
B.      5.32 Ω
C.      5.318 Ω
D.      5.31765775 Ω

7.       Two forces of magnitudes 7 N and 5 N act at a point. Which one of the following is not a possible value for the magnitude of the resultant force?
A.      1 N
B.      3 N
C.      5 N
D.      7 N

8.       A student measures a distance several times. The readings lie between 49.8 cm and 50.2 cm. This measurement is best recorded as
A.      49.8 ± 0.2 cm.
B.      49.8 ± 0.4 cm.
C.      50.0 ± 0.2 cm.
D.      50.0 ± 0.4 cm.

9.       Which two values of temperature are equivalent to the nearest degree when measured on the Kelvin and on the Celsius scales of temperature?

Kelvin scale
Celsius scale

10.     The diameter of the nucleus of a hydrogen atom is of the order of
A.      10–8 m.
B.      10–15 m.
C.      10–23 m.
D.      10–30 m.

11.     The unit, the electron-volt is equivalent to
A.      1.6 × 10+19 J.
B.      9.1 × 10+31 J
C.      1.6 × 10–19 J.
D.      9.1 × 10–31 J.

12.     The power dissipated in a resistor of resistance R carrying a current I is equal to I2R. The value of I has an uncertainty of ±2% and the value of R has an uncertainty of ±10%. The value of the uncertainty in the calculated power dissipation is
A.      ±8%.
B.      ±12%.
C.      ±14%.
D.      ±20%.

13.     The number of heartbeats of a person at rest in one hour, to the nearest order of magnitude is
A.      101.
B.      102.
C.      104.
D.      106.

14.     The diameter of a proton is of the order of magnitude of
A.      10–12 m.
B.      10–15 m.
C.      10–18 m.
D.      10–21 m.

15.     An ammeter has a zero offset error. This fault will affect
A.      neither the precision nor the accuracy of the readings.
B.      only the precision of the readings.
C.      only the accuracy of the readings.
D.      both the precision and the accuracy of the readings.

16.     Which one of the following is a scalar quantity?
A.      Pressure
B.      Impulse
C.      Magnetic field strength
D.      Weight

17.     For an object to be in translational equilibrium
A.      it must be at rest.
B.      it must be moving with a constant acceleration.
C.      no external force must be acting on it.
D.      the net force acting on it must be zero.

18.     Which one of the following is a fundamental unit?
A.      Coulomb
B.      Ohm
C.      Volt
D.      Ampere

19.     When a force F of (10.0 ± 0.2) N is applied to a mass m of (2.0 ± 0.1) kg, the percentage uncertainty attached to the value of the calculated acceleration  is
A.      2 %.
B.      5 %.
C.      7 %.
D.      10 %.

20.     When a force F of (10.0 ± 0.2) N is applied to a mass m of (2.0 ± 0.1) kg, the absolute  uncertainty attached to the value of the calculated acceleration  is
A.      ± 0.1.
B.      ± 0.2.
C.      ± 0.3.
D.      ± 0.4.

21.     Which one of the following is a fundamental unit?
A.      Ohm
B.        Tesla
C.      Volt
D.      Candela

22.     Which of the following gives the approximate ratio of the separation of the molecules in water and in steam at atmospheric pressure?

Water :
1 :
1 :
1 :
1 :

23.     The resistive force F acting on a sphere of radius r moving at speed v through a liquid is given by
F = cvr
          where c is a constant. Which of the following is a correct unit for c?
A.      N
B.      N s–1
C.      N m2 s–1
D.      N m–2 s

24.     Which of the following is the best estimate, to two significant digit, of the quantity shown below?
A.      1.5
B.      2.0
C.      5.8
D.      6.4

25.     The electron volt is defined as
A.      a unit of energy exactly equal to 1.6 × 10–19 J.
B.      a fraction  of the ionization energy of atomic hydrogen.
C.      the energy gained by an electron when it moves through a potential difference of 1.0 V.
D.      the energy transfer when 1.0 C of charge moves through a potential difference of 1.0 V.

26.     The order of magnitude of the weight of an apple is
A.      10–4 N.
B.      10–2 N.
C.      101N.
D.      102 N.

27.     Which one of the following contains three fundamental units?

28.     The reading of a constant potential difference is made four times by a student. The readings are
          1.176 V
1.178 V
1.177 V
1.176 V
          The student averages these readings but does not take into account the zero error on the voltmeter. The average measurement of the potential difference is
A.      precise and accurate.
B.      precise but not accurate.
C.      accurate but not precise.
D.      not accurate and not precise.

29.     The definition of the unit of current, the ampere, is based on
A.      the force per unit charge on a conductor in a uniform magnetic field.
B.      the force per unit mass on parallel current-carrying conductors.
C.      the charge per unit time delivered by a cell of e.m.f. 1.0 V.
D.      the charge passing a resistor per unit time in an electrical circuit.

30.     The volume V of a cylinder of height h and radius r is given by the expression
V = πr2h.
          In a particular experiment, r is to be determined from measurements of V and h. The uncertainties in V and in h are as shown below.
± 7 %
± 3 %
          The approximate uncertainty in r is
A.      10 %.
B.      5 %.
C.      4 %.
D.      2 %.

31.     The ratio  to the nearest order of magnitude is
A.      102.
B.      105.
C.      1010.
D.      1015.

32.     The kWh is equal to
A.      1.0 × 103 J.
B.      3.6 × 103 J.
C.      6.0 × 104 J.
D.      3.6 × 106 J.

33.     The diagram below shows the position of the meniscus of the mercury in a mercury-in-glass thermometer.
          Which of the following best expresses the indicated temperature with its uncertainty?
A.      (6.0 ± 0.5)°C
B.      (6.1 ± 0.1)°C
C.      (6.2 ± 0.2)°C
D.      (5.2 ± 0.5)°C
34.     Which of the following represents two vector quantities?
A.      distance, acceleration
B.      kinetic energy, work
C.      force, momentum
D.      electric field strength, electric potential
35.     An electric motor, with an input power of 250 W, produces 200 W of mechanical power. The efficiency of the motor is
A.      20 %.
B.      25 %.
C.      55 %.
D.      80 %.
36.     The radius of a loop is measured to be (10.0 ± 0.5) cm. Which of the following is the best estimate of the uncertainty in the calculated area of the loop?
A.      0.25 %
B.      5 %
C.      10 %
D.      25 %

37.  The diagram below shows a boat that is about to cross a river in a direction perpendicular to
        the bank at a speed of 0.8 ms–1. The current flows at 0.6 ms–1 in the direction shown.
          The magnitude of the displacement of the boat 5 seconds after leaving the bank is
A.      3 m.
B.      4 m.
C.      5 m.
D.      7 m.
38.          (1)
        The Precision and Accuracy are  related as,

       A.   Precision cannot be reduced but Accuracy can be reduced.
      B. Precision can  be reduced but Accuracy can be reduced to ZERO.  
      C.  Precision  and  Accuracy cannot be reduced.
      D.  Precision can be reduced to ZERO but Accuracy can only  be reduced.

40.  The Correct length of a pen for multiple readings of  5.5cm, 5.4cm, 5.6cm is,
      A. 5.5 ± 0.1 cm
      B. 5.5 ± 0.15 cm              
      C. 5.5 ± 0.01 cm
      D. 5.5 ± 021 cm


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